Hollywood Movie Live by Night(2016)


Hollywood Movie Live by Night Actors

 Enrique Hernandez, Ted Hollis, Justin Holt, Daniel D. Houy, Tony Ionno, Elizabeth Johnson, Gregory Joiner, Frederick Keeve, Kirk E. Kelleykahn, Bobby Kenney, Khafre King, Wendell Kinney, Ren Knopf, Manos Krystalis, Matt Laydon, Chris A. Liscomb, Lori Livingston, Wayne Malm Jr., Stefanie Malouf, Michael Mardo, Tom Mariano, Robert Marsella, Chris Mata, Elle Matarazzo, Madeline McCuskey, Aaron Makai McGlover, Brian Wade McVicker, Johnny Meyer, Valiant Michael, Teebone Mitchell, Anthony Molinari, Heidi Moneymaker, Randy Morris, Pavelly Moure, Trista Nabors, Sofia Naccarato, Arsi Nami, Rene Napoli, Cassidy Neal, Daniel Nickels, Danny T. O’Brien, John O’Halloran, Katie O’Malley, Matt O’Neill, Robert Oliva, Tearra Oso, Tommy Otis, Braylon Owens, Michael Papajohn, Bill Porter, Michelle Principi, George Pringle, Robert Ratinoff, Lawrence Ravettina, Anne Reardon, Simao Rebelo, Stew Replogle, Lainee Rhodes, David Riccio Jr., Michelle Rice, Sherry Roldan, Mark Roman, Diana Rombola, Paul Rosenblum, Lexie Roth, Richard Rubin, Ariana Ruckle, Tony Sagastizado I, Luis Sanchez, Frank Scozzari, Sonny Scozzari, Delisa Sexton, Nik Shriner, Juan Silva, Alec Octave Smith, Lucien Spelman, P.J. Stack, Noah Staggs, Bruce M. Stockert, Dorinda Townsend, Treviance, Stephen Trouskie, Anastasia Tsikhanava, Tandi Tugwell, Stephen Unger, Valeria Vallejos, Sam Vanivray, Brianni Walker, Phillip E. Walker, Trent Walker, Raquel Wallace, Ella G. Waller, Seth Wayne, Devon Werden, Tim Whalen, Jonathon James Williams, Pamela Drake Wilson, Timothy A,, Brett Joseph DePetrillo, David Afflick, Robert Aldredge, David Alen, Leo Alexander, Veronica Alicino, Dave Allen, Caio Alvim, Bruno Amato, Stanis Krista Ames, Lucy Angelo, Kristen Annese, Stephanie Atkinson, Ford Austin, Mickie Banyas, Raihan Baqui, Tina Bell, John Bishop, Nicholas William Bishop, Bill Blair, David S. Bookbinder, Ralph Michael Brekan, Lili Brennan, Stephen Brown, John J. Burke, Mark Burzenski, Joe Cali, Scott Campbell, Bryan Carman, Katelyn Causey, John Cenatiempo, Chantel Chase, Andrew Constantini, Stevie Costa, Joy Costanza, Colin Costello, Jenna Curtis, Jordan Daem, Natalia Davidenko, Rick L. Dean, Bob Dio, Spencer Drake, Tom Driscoll, Frank Durant, Brendan Egan, Ehab Elgharabawy, John C. Epperson, Violaine Estérez, Larry Eudene, Anna Ewelina, Charlie Flannery, Paul Riley Fox, Toni French, Bryan Friday, Steve Gagliastro, Susie Ganiere, Julian Garcia, Kyle Waters Geller, Trevor Lee Georgeson, Alaina Gianci, John Gigliotti, Suzanne Gillies, Mark Haggett, Jan Haley, London Hall, Tori Hall, Katie Hanley, Anita Harkess, Darrell Keith Harris, Wendy Hartman, Desmond Hayes, Priscella Henriquez,Wilson, Dora Winifred, Ron G. Young,Ben Affleck, Elle Fanning, Remo Girone, Brendan Gleeson, Robert Glenister, Matthew Maher, Chris Messina, Sienna Miller, Miguel, Zoe Saldana, Chris Cooper, Titus Welliver, Max Casella, Christian Clemenson, J.D. Evermore, Clark Gregg, Anthony Michael Hall, Chris Sullivan, Benjamin Ciaramello, Derek Mears, Danny Kitz, Bobby Curcuro, Bruce-Robert Serafin, Massi Furlan, Lewis D. Wheeler, Michael Mantell, Tom Virtue, Giuseppe Losavio, Peter Arpesella, Zak Lee, Ric Sarabia, Derrick Dover, Gianfranco Terrin, Peter Sabri, Andrew Bongiorno, Eduardo Cruz, Ryan Young, Stanley M. Farrow, Michael Chieffo, Austin Swift, Anthony Palermo, David Fierro, Gabriel L. Silva.

Hollywood Movie Live by Night Quotes

“I don’t wanna be a gangster. Stopped kissing rings a long time ago.”
BEN AFFLECK – Joe Coughlin

“I realized it’s not enough to break the rules. You have to be strong enough to make your own”
BEN AFFLECK – Joe Coughlin

“- Chief Figgis: If you’re going to kill him, be man enough to pull the trigger. Ain’t no pride in having other people do what you’re too weak to do yourself.
– Joe Coughlin: Okay. In my experience doesn’t take much to pull the trigger.”
CHRIS COOPER – Chief Figgis
BEN AFFLECK – Joe Coughlin

“I don’t know if there’s a God, but I hope there is, and I hope he’s kind. Wouldn’t that be swell?”
ELLE FANNING – Loretta Figgis

“- Joe Coughlin: I’m crazy about her.
– Thomas Coughlin: Crazy isn’t love.”
BEN AFFLECK – Joe Coughlin
BRENDAN GLEESON – Thomas Coughlin

“- Joe Coughlin: Can you tolerate an Irishman in your crew?
– Maso Pescatore: This is America. I’ve lived worse.”
BEN AFFLECK – Joe Coughlin
REMO GIRONE – Maso Pescatore

“We do what we wanna do. Go where we wanna go.”

“We’re all going to hell.”
ELLE FANNING – Loretta Figgis

“People don’t fix each other, Joseph. And they never become anything but what they’ve always been.”
BRENDAN GLEESON – Thomas Coughlin

“- Graciella Suarez: Even if you win today’s battle, there’s so much violence in what you do.
– Joe Coughlin: You don’t think I’m strong enough?
– Graciella Suarez: I don’t know if you’re cruel enough.
– Joe Coughlin: Powerful men don’t have to be cruel.”
ZOE SALDANA – Graciela
BEN AFFLECK – Joe Coughlin

“- Loretta Figgis: My father says there once was a good man in you.
– Joe Coughlin: We all find ourselves in lives we didn’t expect.
– Loretta Figgis: Repent. Repent. Repent.”
ELLE FANNING – Loretta Figgis
BEN AFFLECK – Joe Coughlin