Hollywood Movie Zoolander(2001)
Hollywood Movie Zoolander Actors
Victoria Beckham, Shawna Bermender, Sandra Bernhard, Jennifer R. Blake, Malan Breton, Dave Brockie, Kristen Bronson, Autumn Leigh Brown, Emma Bunton, Tina Casciani, Cheryl Cosenza, Balsac the Jaws of Death, Stephen Dorff, Jennifer Dorogi, Kristen Fick, Eric Floyd, Jaime Gallagher, Frederik Garlên, Kristen Hagen, Taylor Gerard Hart, Ethan Higbee, Slymenstra Hymen, Chris Kerson, Karl Lagerfeld, Klara Landrat, Gregory J. Lucas, Kala Mandrake, Flattus Maximus, Anne Meara, Beefcake The Mighty, Alexandria Morrow, Paulo Pascoal, Guy Perry, Amanda Pham, Lisa Ann Phillips, Gavin Rossdale, Winona Ryder, Mauricio Sanchez, Kevin Squires, Melania Trump, Jeff Van Atta, Vince Vaughn, Donatella Versace, Craig Welzbacher, Billy Zane,Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Christine Taylor, Will Ferrell, Milla Jovovich, Jerry Stiller, David Duchovny, Jon Voight, Judah Friedlander, Nathan Lee Graham, Alexandre Manning, Asio Highsmith, Alexander Skarsgård, Donald Trump, Christian Slater, Tom Ford, Cuba Gooding Jr., Steve Kmetko, Tommy Hilfiger, Natalie Portman, Fabio, Lenny Kravitz, Gwen Stefani, Heidi Klum, Mark Ronson, Paris Hilton, David Bowie, Tyson Beckford, Fred Durst, Lance Bass, Lil’ Kim, Garry Shandling, Claudia Schiffer, Veronica Webb, Lukas Haas, Carmen Kass, Frankie Rayder, Scott Strasbaugh, Pauly J, Matt Levin, K-Roc, Justin Theroux, Stevie D, Andy Dick, Woodrow W. Asai, Andrew Wilson, Vikram Chatwal, Kashana, Jonah Luber, Michael McAlpin, Eve Salvail, Shavo Odadjian, Eliot Johnson, Richard Gladys, Amy Stiller, John Vargas, Jennifer Coolidge, Tony Kanal, Endre Hules, Nora Dunn, Ric Pipino, Jerry Stahl, Jennifer McComb, Johann Urb, Luc Commeret, Herb Lieberz, Zoya, Colin McNish, Darren Copeland, Richard Stanley, Shabazz Ray, Rohan Quine, Svetlana, Eric Winzenried, Charles L. Brame, James Marsden, Rudy Segura, Randall Slavin, Patton Oswalt, Irina Pantaeva, Stan Chu, Ming Ho Kum, Theo Kogan, Lam Bor, Angel 11:11, Luther Creek, Dechen Thurman, Kenny Max, David Pressman, Godfrey, Taj Crown, Richie Rich, King, Frederic Fekkai, Kevyn Aucoin, Boris Kachscovsky, Mitch Winston, Mason Webb, Alexa Nikolas, , Heidi Albertsen, Akiko Ashley, Elizabeth Bank
Hollywood Movie Captain America Plot Summary Reviews Actors Quotes 2014
Hollywood Movie Zoolander Quotes
“Trippin’ on acid changed our whole perspective on shit!”
“Trippin’ on acid changed our whole perspective on shit!”
“I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.”
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander
“Who am I?
[phone rings]
looking at the sky
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander
CHRISTINE TAYLOR – Matilda Jeffries
I hear words like “beauty” and “handsomness” and “incredibly chiseled features” and for me that’s like a vanity of self absorption that I try to steer clear of.
during an interview, dressed in angel’s wings
“Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features doesn’t mean that we still can’t not die in a freak gasolinefight accident.”
talking about male models
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander
“- J.P. Prewitt: The truth is male models have been assassinating world leaders for over 200 years. Abe Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery, right? Well, who do you think made the silk stockings and powdered wigs worn by our early leaders?
– Derek Zoolander: Mugatu!
– J.P. Prewitt: Slaves, Derek. So they hired John Wilkes Booth to do Mr. Lincoln…” (CONTINUE READING)
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander
CHRISTINE TAYLOR – Matilda Jeffries
“If there is anything that this horrible tragedy can teach us, it’s that a male model’s life is a precious, precious commodity. Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn’t mean that we too can’t not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.”
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander
“- Matilda Jeffries: I became…
– Hansel: What?
– Matilda Jeffries: Bulimic.
– Derek Zoolander: You can read minds?”
CHRISTINE TAYLOR – Matilda Jeffries
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander
“- Derek Zoolander: You mean, you haven’t…
– Matilda Jeffries: Done it in a while, yeh.
– Hansel: Now, what’s a while? Like, eight days?”
talking about sex
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander
CHRISTINE TAYLOR – Matilda Jeffries
“Todd! Are you not aware that I get farty and bloated with a foamy latte?”
after spitting out and spilling some bad coffee all over his assistant
“You’re dead to me, son. You’re even more dead to me than your dead mother.”
JON VOIGHT – Larry Zoolander
“I’m sorry that good-looking people like us made you throw up and feel bad about yourself.”
Derek Zoolander is a male model
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander
“Oh, I’m sorry, did my pin get in the way of your ass? Do me a favor and lose five pounds immediately or get out of my building like now!”
after he pokes a girl with a pin
“Oh, I’m sorry, did my pin get in the way of your ass? Do me a favor and lose five pounds immediately or get out of my building like now!”
after he pokes a girl with a pin
“- Derek Zoolander: What is this? A center for ants?
– Mugatu: What?
– Derek Zoolander: How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read… if they can’t even fit inside the building?”
looking at the model of a reading center for children
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander
“Hi Derek! My name’s Little Cletus and I’m here to tell you a few things about child labor laws, ok? They’re silly and outdated. Why back in the 30s, children as young as five could work as they pleased; from textile factories to iron smelts. Yippee! Hurray!”
hypnotizing Derek
“Mugatu is so hot right now he could take a crap, wrap it in tinfoil, put a couple fish hooks on it and sell it to Queen Elizabeth as earrings.”
JERRY STILLER – Maury Ballstein
“Rufus, Brint, and Meekus were like brothers to me. And when I say brother, I don’t mean, like, an actual brother, but I mean like the way black people use it. Which is more meaningful I think.”
talking about his dead friends
BEN STILLER – Derek Zoolander