Hollywood Movie The Happy Prince (2018)
Hollywood Movie The Happy Prince Actors
Sam Barrett, Jean-Luc Bubert, Alister Cameron, Oliver Cater, Tom Colley, Laurent D’Elia, Marc de Panda, Giacomo Giorgio, Arnaud Peiffer, Cornelia Peislerova, Howard Perret, Ronald Pickup, Lo Polidoro, Markus Frank Juri Popp, Giovanni Scotti, Torren Simonsz, John Standing, Christian Tye, Benjamin Voisin, Daniel Weyman, Rupert Everett, Colin Firth, Emily Watson, Colin Morgan, Edwin Thomas, Tom Wilkinson, Anna Chancellor, Julian Wadham, Béatrice Dalle, Antonio Spagnuolo, André Penvern, Franca Abategiovanni, Thierry de Coster, Joshua McGuire, Kit Lloyd, Jacky Druaux.
Hollywood Movie Confidence Plot Summary Reviews Actors Quotes 2003
Hollywood Movie The Happy Prince Quotes
“- Reggie Turner: How do you like your new name?
– Oscar Wilde: Almost as much as I loathe the old one.”
COLIN FIRTH – Reggie Turner
“I am my own Judas.”
“- Robert Robbie Ross: I must tell you, Father, the dying man has been quite a well-known literary figure.
– Father Cuthbert Dunne: Oh, well, that’s all one and the same to God, Mr Ross. He has very little time to read, what with all us sinners clogging up the road to hell.”
referring to Oscar Wilde
EDWIN THOMAS – Robert Robbie Ross
TOM WILKINSON – Father Cuthbert Dunne
“From what you say, Oscar, it would seem that Reading Gaol is an enchanted castle. With the governor as its presiding elf.”
COLIN FIRTH – Reggie Turner
“- Oscar Wilde: I met Christ in prison.
– Reggie Turner: And what was she in for?
– Oscar Wilde: Don’t joke, Reggie. In the cell, there is only God and man.”
COLIN FIRTH – Reggie Turner
“No exiled fairy’s trousseau is complete without a signed portrait of the great widow herself. You must dance naked before it at the Jubilee next month.”
holding up a framed picture of Queen Victoria
COLIN FIRTH – Reggie Turner
“All I’m saying, Reggie, dear, is I have lived in the grip of vice and pleasure. It was wrong and I have paid. Perhaps the slate is wiped clean, perhaps it is not, who knows? At any rate, I am now ready to return to life.”
“- Oscar Wilde: After three days in hell, Jesus rose from the dead, broke open his tomb, discarded his cerements and took his place forever in the heart of man. After 700 days of hard labour, my tomb is opened. I have tiptoed to the boattrain and am born again through him, with him and in France.
– Robert Robbie Ross: Very good, Oscar. We’ll…”
Oscar Wilde is talking about having met God during his confinement
EDWIN THOMAS – Robert Robbie Ross
COLIN FIRTH – Reggie Turner