Hollywood Movie Alex & Emma(2003)
Hollywood Movie Alex & Emma Actors
Paul Willson, David Paymer, Sophie Marceau, Alexander Wauthier, Leili Kramer, Rip Taylor, Gigi Bermingham, Luke Wilson, Derek Barbosa, Lobo Sebastian, Rob Reiner, Kate Hudson
Hollywood Movie Captain America Plot Summary Reviews Actors Quotes 2014
Hollywood Movie Alex & Emma Quotes
“I’m just a writer. I don’t know what to do to show you how much I love you. I only have words. That’s all I have.”
talking to Emma Dinsmore
LUKE WILSON – Alex Sheldon
“I can’t figure out what’s worse, having to know every single detail of your desperate love for some other woman, or having to know that you obviously didn’t even come close to feeling the same way about me.”
talking to the man she loves
KATE HUDSON – Emma Dinsmore
“There are some things that are nothing more than what they are, they’re not meant to last. They just take their place in your heart and make you a little smarter the next time.”
KATE HUDSON – Emma Dinsmore
“If they’re not in agony, then it can’t be love!”
KATE HUDSON – Emma Dinsmore
“He left like a man on a mission, a man on a mission with hot wet balls.”
talking about a man
LUKE WILSON – Alex Sheldon
“If you think you’re having a heart attack and you’re going to die, call me first, okay? No use wastingmoney on the bus if you’re just gonna be dead when I get here.”
talking to Alexa Sheldon
KATE HUDSON – Emma Dinsmore
“- Emma Dinsmore: Does the fact that you called seventeen times last night with no response from me send any kind of signal to you?
– Alex Sheldon: I mean, I’m not an idiot. I figured you probably wanted to talk to me but that your machine was broken.”
KATE HUDSON – Emma Dinsmore
LUKE WILSON – Alex Sheldon
“- Emma Dinsmore: That’s great for a weekend but what do you think will happen in the long run?
– Alex Sheldon: What do you mean, like the next weekend?
– Emma Dinsmore: No. Like when it’s time for the first laundry. I know, in great romantic novels there is not laundry or there’s people like Ylva or Elsa to do it. Maybe that’s why I like them….”
talking about some women
KATE HUDSON – Emma Dinsmore
LUKE WILSON – Alex Sheldon
“- Alex Sheldon: Maybe you’re not picturing Paulina the way I’m picturing her.
– Emma Dinsmore: Gorgeous? Exciting? Incredibly sexy?
– Alex Sheldon: Maybe you are.”
LUKE WILSON – Alex Sheldon
KATE HUDSON – Emma Dinsmore
“- Emma Dinsmore: What’s your book about?
– Alex Sheldon: It’s the story of a man who’s frightened of commitment yet so desperately in love with a woman he’s afraid it might kill him. It’s a comedy.”
KATE HUDSON – Emma Dinsmore
LUKE WILSON – Alex Sheldon