Alcohol and drug abuse which has led many to serious addiction has been a plague in our society for a long time. Countless lives and families have been destroyed as a result of this. Thankfully, like all other challenges that we have encountered in our existence on the planet, humans have risen to the challenge.
With the establishment of addiction treatment centers across the globe and with thousands just in the U.S., anyone who is struggling with addiction can get the help they deserve. Visit https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/ to check out some alcohol and drug abuse statistics. While the establishment of these centers has not completely eradicated the problem, it has ensured the repair of many lives and families that were in complete disarray.
The treatment programs provided by these rehab clinics vary depending on so many factors such as the severity of the addiction, the expertise of the professionals, etc. Therefore, choosing an addiction treatment center that is right for you or your loved one is a priority. With the appropriate program, you can be assured that you will get the desired result and get your life back on track.
But as we said, there are thousands of these clinics in America alone. Therefore, it can be a bit confusing to make up your mind. That is why in this article, we will guide you on how to choose the rehab center that is exactly right for you with the steps below.
1. Determine what your Needs and Goals are
While most rehabs provide general care, many of them have specialties. Even at that, those that specialize in the same area tend to use different treatment methods and their standards for success with a patient are different as well. Therefore, you need to determine your needs and goals to enable you to select a rehab that can meet them.
Hence, you need to decide which substance addiction you intend to overcome. After doing that, you need to determine if you must deal with other basic issues e.g., medical conditions you would also like to treat.
The next thing you should determine is what you regard as success. Do you want to get a complete detox and then stay sober for 1 month? Or do you want to be sober for a year? When you decide this, it will enable you to select a rehab that offers a program that suits your goals.
2. Talk to a Treatment Provider
Even after determining what your needs and goals are, selecting a facility can still be difficult: This is where a treatment provider can help.
These professionals know most of the addiction treatment centers around you and are aware of the programs they provide. Hence, they are in the best position to offer you valuable information regarding what facility that will suit your needs and goals. Furthermore, they can even link you with the centers thereby making your decision-making process much easier. Therefore, locate and consult a treatment provider near you to set you on the right track.
3. Research Different Facilities
Irrespective of how you got the potential facilities you have on your list; you must research them thoroughly. You need to gather as much information as you can about them. Check their websites and call them to make inquiries.
Feel free to ask them any question that you have in mind. An effective treatment center should be able to provide you with all the answers that you need to also ease your mind.
4. Factors you Should Consider
The following are factors you should consider as you determine what facility is suitable for you are:
i. Inpatient or Outpatient
The major rehab forms are inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab. The former requires that the patient check into the facility and remain there for some time while they receive treatment. On the other hand, the former requires the patient to just go for treatment and then return to their normal life activities.
Inpatient care is preferable for those with a serious addiction, while outpatient care is best for mild addictions. The former is more expensive, but the success rate is higher. Moreover, you will have to disrupt your daily life. The latter is cheaper, the success rate is lower (depending on the severity of the addiction), and allows you to continue living your normal daily life.
ii. Specialties
As we said earlier, certain centers specialize in certain areas. Therefore, if you find a facility that specializes in your addiction, you should go for them provided they have a good track record.
iii. Treatment Models & Options
Every rehab clinic has its treatment model and options when treating addiction. Hence, you need to research the facilities you have in mind and whether their therapies and models suit you.
iv. Amenities
Rehabs are equipped with various kinds of amenities. There are some with enough amenities that you will think you are in a 5-star hotel. Whereas others simply provide basic amenities to ensure their patients recover.
No matter what kind of amenities you are in search of, you are bound to find one that meets your taste. But bear in mind that the better the amenities, the higher the cost.
v. Location
While some professionals feel that a rehab center should not be close to the patient’s environment, others disagree. However, if you want your loved ones to visit often, being far away is not the best. On the other hand, if you want to break away from toxic relationships that encourage addiction, being far away might help. Read this article to learn how to walk away from toxic relationships.
A distant location is not ideal if you are opting for the outpatient program. It will be difficult for you to keep up with your daily appointment and treatment. Therefore, the best thing is to stay close to your home.
vi. Program Length
Some programs can last for just a month, others for 3 months, and some for 6 months. In some rare cases, it can extend to as long as a year or more. While many do not support the 30-day program, it has also proven effective in certain cases.
Therefore, you need to assess your needs once again, and then discuss with the counselors to evaluate the duration that will be best for you.
vii. Cost
Many people do not go to rehab because of the cost and those who do may not get the best out of it because they do not have the money to fund it. The treatment cost depends on the duration of the program, the facility, and the kind of program you choose.
You need to assess the cost carefully before you decide on the facility.
5. Compare Centers
After you have gathered the information using the factors above, compare the potential rehabs for your loss and then choose the one that meets all or most of your needs.
6. Enroll
Once the decision is made, the ultimate step is to enroll. Contact the center and find out the procedure required to enroll.
In the article above, we have shared 6 easy-to-follow steps that will guide you on how to choose an addiction treatment facility that will be the right fit for you. Ensure that you carry your family and loved ones along in the decision process as they will also be part of this wonderful journey to recovery and healing.